Thursday, May 28, 2009

Long overdue

So... I don't know why we haven't up-dated Zech's page. He's changed so much! He's getting around really well with his hilarious little crawl. He's developed a little temper, but it goes away fast. He's had his first hair cut... but we barely took any off. We love his baby curls. I'll put a video of his crawl up soon.


heidibelle said...

That's my chunky monkey... thanks for updating this.

Christine H. said...

How cute!
Love the pic of the packed car. It shows how life is for you...makes me appreciate the time it takes to get my girls in the car, because your time is doubled!

frisky said...


Jeff Frazee said...

Christine, I especially appreciate when people sympathize with my wife and all the work she does for us. I don't think I do it well enough, and I know it lifts her spirits for people to acknowledge the task she has taken on with four children. She does a great job all the time.