Friday, November 12, 2010

Zechariah says thank you to Lulu

Hi mom,
I just wanted you to see how excited this boy was to get some gum from his Lulu.
We are really excited that he is pretty much potty trained. Of course he is still at the stage where we have to remind him ten times a day, and as often as not we have to make him sit on the toilet. But, hey, beggers can't be choosers.
Zech is always quick to meet other people's needs. While we are eating dinner Zech will notice that Drew has finished his bread, and he will tell me to pass Drew another piece before Drew even thinks to ask. Or if Jethro is crying, even a little bit, Zech will run to find us and tell us that 'the baby crying..." Even if that baby is three feet away from one of us.
You know his name means 'God remembers the afflicted.' I have to remind myself what a blessing it is that Zechariah is becoming the person that we prayed he would be, and he is not even three yet. Praise the Lord.
We are excited for our move to Mali, five weeks from this morning. And we can't wait to see you there. Don't worry, we'll give you door to door service and put you up in the nicest place in Kadiolo!

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