Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fitting Right In...

Visiting some Church friends...

Visiting a neighbors chicken coup...

Zach really has adjusted well to Mali. He runs around with a bare bum most of the time, he is always dirty, and often picking his nose. We are working on some of these bad habits, but consequently he is potty trained after one month in Mali! And we are thankful for that. He has no trouble saying NO to kids who are overstepping their bounds, and he feels that way a lot with the kids in our yard. They want to grab him and hold him or tease him... He marches all around the yard and does what he wants... it is pretty cute. He is starting to repeat words too... I wouldn't be surprised if he is the first of all the kids speaking Bambara!

Yea... he's potty trained...

1 comment:

Janou said...

Hurray for the potty training! And good for him, knowing his limits and what he wants and doesn't want. And I bet you are right--he will be speaking Bambara quickly. He's about the age Jeff was in Zaire and was learning it so quickly. I was trying to keep up for awhile, but he zoomed past me. Zach is just so adorable--I want to squeeze him from afar. Of course, I really want to do that with ALL of the kids. Hope we can before 3 years are up. You'll have to pray that God works that out for us someway. Loving you all so much, Janou